Get more followers on Instagram via Instagram Giveaway Picker

Get more followers on Instagram!

Why to use Instagram giveaway picker?
Visuals are very important when it comes to the worldwide web. Who has thought that Instagram will become the most happening site in the world? From Instagram models to housewives, and from industry giants to small businesses, we all love Instagram. Why not Instagram?

I have seen every 1 out of 3 people trying to open a small business using Instagram and this has become the business mechanism from the past 5 years. The question is:

How can you shine in the crowd?

Most importantly how to bag Instagram monetization from Instagram giveaway pickers. One of the most important strategies is the use of the Instagram giveaway picker tool. Giveaways will make everyone thrilled to see your page. You can also call out for sharing your posts to 10 friends to enter in a lucky draw.
This technique increases more followers, who will send your posts to friends. The Instagram picker tool will help you follow up the candidates worthy of your lucky draw. There are apps in the market that could help you in your giveaways distributions. Pick a winner app helps you find from endless candidates to choose the worthy one. Let’s have a look at how to make heads turn and hands follow your Instagram account.

1. Find your Niche

Many people try to do everything at once on Instagram, and that’s their downfall. You have to first think about what kind of image/brand you want to project to your followers. Think about what your passion is. 1. What defines you?
2. What are you best at?
3. What is need of your target market?

Get more followers
What lasts your funnel is known as targeting. While, niche is just like aiming your arrow towards the center to hit. If your are a designer, you are going to have a signature style catering specific taste of customers. That will be your niche market. 

Suppose you are a car dealer, and you want to open a store at Toronto. What customers will purchase there? Your ordering options of cars are:

  1. Sports cars
  2. Family cars
  3. Extreme winter cars with safety features
Get more followers on Instagram
The choice will be cars that perform better in extreme weather. You will also add cars with safety features. This is important for a business man to decide, what is your customer’s need.

2. Hashtag strategy

Instagram is matching your hashtags with your images (that they recognize with AI software) and they want your hashtags to be as precise as possible and appeal to the right audience. To get more followers on Instagram, you have to choose around 14 tags and choose them by the following scheme:

Hashtag strategy get more followers on Instagram
Instagram hashtags are necessary for online marketing.

3. Follow/Unfollow

This is maybe the most effective Instagram growth strategy at the moment, confirmed by science.

Step 1:

First, you must find some successful influencers/brands in your niche. You should take a close look at their profiles.

Step 2:

See what kind of posts they make, what type of content they share and how they interact with their audience. If they are successful then you can be too, just follow their example. When you make 8-10 posts (enough for your profile to look full) you can also try the Follow/Unfollow strategy on them. However when it comes to most important strategy, it is sending giveaways, running giveaway competitions.

Step 3:

Now how to do it effectively, sometimes it is better to do with algorithm. Use Instagram giveaway picker app and tool on Osoorto to successful campaigning for Giveaways

What does that mean?

It means that you go to the influencers/brand that you look up to. You go to their likes, and start following those accounts. If those followers liked their content, chance is they would like yours too. You try to follow 100 accounts a day, for 3-4 days. Then you pause for 2-3 days. In this time many of the accounts you followed will follow you back and you will blow your Instagram quickly. After this pause you start unfollowing about 70 accounts a day, for 3-4 days. End result is you get your targeted audience following you, and you end up with more followers than what you are following.

4. Make Giveaways | Use Instagram Giveaway picker

Giveaways are like nuclear weapons on Instagram, try using Instagram giveaway picker tool on Osoorto they are crazy effective. On average if you make a giveaway you will receive 350% more likes and around 64 times more comments than your regular post. Those numbers are absolutely staggering. That’s why Instagram Giveaway is the best kept influencers secret to grow your followers.

Instagram giveaway picker

Rules you should always follow when making a giveaway are to show your followers that first you have chosen your winner in an unbiased way, second; he has really received your prize. To show them that you have really done a random pick you can use Osortoo and then share the Winner Card on Instagram, like this.
For example I like cars. But that is too broad field, there are literary dozen types of cars and thousands of models.

Instagram giveaway picker
Why make an Instagram giveaway?

Here is one final statistic: Instagram accounts that hold giveaways grow +70% more faster.

Take a look at this short guide for organizing Giveaways on Instagram.

5. Be Social

This tip seems kinda obvious, but it’s pretty important. Many people hop on Instagram and start acting like computer bots. They just like, follow and unfollow, and don’t participate in the social aspect of the network at all. This is making Instagram very suspicious and soon their algorithm starts restricting them, thinking that is some fake bot factory behind it.
So please, please (again) be social!

This means start interacting with other accounts. Leave comments, share opinions, tag someone. Leave your feedback on some product, get in touch with other influencers. Everything you would do normally if approach this people in real life, you surely wouldn’t just stare at them. So get involved, uplift people, try to connect with them and before you know it you’ll have a big audience. Check out this 5 way to be more social on Instagram.

You can make a Photo contest.

Dolly Parton went viral with this post on Instagram

Remember the #DollyPartonChallenge? We can’t let you go without revealing you one more VERY potent  tool and that is doing a Hashtag Photo Contest on Instagram. The idea is simple: you think of a great hashtag, you make an interesting photo and you ask your followers to do the same. The most popular or the most interesting post wins your Prize. It can get you viral in no time and grow your followers massively.


Instagram can be a great place to get ideas, meet people and share your work with the World.If you want to grow your followers there are few simple tips that  you can follow, and you will get your tailored audience. Think about how you want to present yourself.

Find your niche, work on your Instagram hashtag strategy and start follow/unfollow. Later do a few giveaways and always try to be engaged and social. Be patient, they won’t work overnight. Don’t work hard, work smartly. If you use a strategy of giveaways for Instagram. It will rapidly increase your following. Try using the Instagram giveaway picker app for free. Try using the help of a web marketing agency. If you put them to practice you will get closer to what your audience wants. This will help you to become better at what you do and connect deeper with them. So put everything into practice, be patient, and don’t forget to have fun while doing all of this.

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